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Limbus Company Chapter 4 Ending

Yi Sang's Journey to Liberation

Breaking Free from the City's Chains

In the realm of Yi Sang's world, the desire for freedom burns brightly. Yi Sang, a character shrouded in mystery, yearns to escape the suffocating confines of the city and its relentless bullshit. He seeks a life of tranquility and fulfillment, surrounded by the companionship of his friends and the fruits of his inventive mind.

A Glimpse of a New Era

As chapter 4 draws to a close, a glimmer of hope emerges. Fans speculate that a higher tier of Yi Sang's ego has been unlocked, promising a transformative shift. However, the true nature of this change remains elusive.

Unraveling the Ending

In the climactic moments, chaos ensues. An unknown entity distorts reality and attempts to destroy Yi Sang. Its failure is met with an enigmatic disappearance. Yi Sang is left to ponder the aftermath, his mind racing with questions about the events that have transpired.

A Post-Credits Revelation

As the credits roll, a cryptic post-credits scene unfolds. Its meaning concealed in symbolism, tantalizing viewers with hints of a deeper narrative. Fans are left to piece together the clues, eager to unravel the secrets that lie ahead.
